All 24 episodes from the second season of the animated series based on the light novel by Kazuma Kamachi. Touma Kamijou (voice of Atsushi Abe) continues his fight against both espers and magicians, wielding the great power imbued in his hand. Tensions continue to rise between Academy City and the magical world and soon they will collide in another great conflict.The episodes are:August 31st (The Last Day)The Book of the LawThe Amakusa ChurchVoice of the Magicbane (Sheol Fear)Lotus WandWreckage (Remnant)Coordinate Relocation (Move Point)The Daihasei FestivalPursuit Inhibited (Route Disturb)Stenographic Sourcebook (Shorthand)Stab SwordThe Observatory (Belvedere)Apostolic Cross (Croce di Pietro)City of WaterQueens FleetRosary of the Appointed TimePenalty GameSpecimen Number (Serial Number)Amata Kihara (The Researcher)Hound Squad (Hound Dog)Learning Device (Testament)The Divine Retribution SpellPrewarArmed Gang (Skill-Out)
- Verkkokauppa: CDON
- Kategoria: Elokuvat, tv-sarjat
- Saatavuus: Varastossa
- Toimitusaika: 3-8 päivää