Collection of episodes 1-7 of the first OVA and episodes 1-4 of the second OVA of the anime series. Makoto Mizuhara (voice of Tetsuya Iwanaga) and his girlfriend Nanami (Rio Natsuki) are transported to the magical world of El-Hazard along with Nanami's brother Jinnai (Ryôtarô Okiayu) and their history teacher Fujisawa (Koji Ishii). Makoto must impersonate a missing princess to save the kingdom, while Jinnai teams up with the evil Bugrom tribe so that he can take over the world and kill Makoto.In the second OVA, Fujisawa is suffering from cold feet and leaves Miz (Saeko Shimazu) at the altar. Makoto and his friends are sent to retrieve him and discover another Ifurita. Meanwhile Jinnai finds another Demon God with a mission of her own.The episodes are: 'Battlefield of Confusion', 'The World of Beautiful Girls', 'The World of Hot Springs', 'The World of the Demon God', 'The World of Thunder', 'The World of Gleaming Light', 'The World of Endless Adventures', 'The Bride of Roshtaria', 'The Awakening of Kalia', 'Ifurita, Farewell to Destiny' and 'Promise for Reunion'.
