The first two OVA series of the anime franchise about a teenage boy who encounters a number of peculiar girls from space. Tenchi Masaki (voice of Masami Kikuchi) is an ordinary teenager with an ordinary life until he stumbles onto a cave containing a centuries old space pirate and unwittingly releases her. From this point Tenchi's life is turned upside down as he discovers his true heritage and contends with the advances of no less than five girls from beyond the stars. Series 1 episodes are:Ryoko ResurrectedHere Comes Ayeka!HelloRyo-Ohki!Mihoshi Falls to the Land of StarsKagato Attacks!We Need Tenchi and The Night Before the Carnival.Series 2 episodes are:Hello Baby!Sasami and TsunamiI Love TenchiThe Advent of the GoddessZero Ryoko Here Comes Jurai
